Beyond providing jobs and boosting the economy, they often leverage assets in ways that help their communities thrive. In turn, these companies enjoy improved employee engagement, heightened brands, and increased consumer loyalty. Our deep understanding of effective cross-sector collaborations makes us trusted partners for companies wanting to maximize the results of their community involvement.

Today’s leading companies are pillars of the community.

Community Engagement Strategy
Community engagement often develops organically through executive leadership and is carried out by passionate employees. However, these programs can sometimes lack clarity of alignment across the team and can often be executed using inefficient systems. Our team helps leaders articulate their company’s purpose and vision for community engagement and develop an effective plan to ensure their employee volunteers, financial contributions, and other investments positively impact not only the community, but also the bottom line.

Leadership Development
Employees report that nonprofit board service makes them feel more confident, more useful, and that they are better leaders. It’s no wonder employers are viewing board service as a valuable leadership development and employee engagement strategy. Yet serving on a board without training is like starting a job without an employee handbook. Our Lead With Purpose board training program answers the call for those who view effective nonprofit board service as a triple-win for companies, employees, and the community.